

City of Poway Selects Butier for Clearwell Replacement Project

The City of Poway recently selected Butier Engineering Inc. to provide construction management and inspection services for the Clearwell Replacement project. The $30 million-$35 million project will increase the reliability of drinking water for customers by bypassing, then replacing the aging 10 MG Clearwell. Butier will serve as an extension of the City’s staff, assisting in the delivery of the following scope of work: construction of two identical 4 MG aboveground circular prestressed concrete tanks, piping, associated appurtenances, site grading, access road, electrical power, instrumentation, demolition/removal of existing facilities, site security, restoration of the ball field, and coordination with the City for closures and shutdowns.

The Clearwell Replacement Project is critical to the City of Poway’s Water Infrastructure Program and is the largest CIP in the City’s 40-year history. Butier is eager to assist the City throughout the process and deliver the project successfully.  The construction schedule is estimated to be June 2023–June 2025.

Butier is pleased to be working with the City of Poway, Kennedy Jenks (program manager), Ardurra (design engineer), Helix Environmental Planning (environmental), Ninyo & Moore (materials testing and geotechnical), Earth Construction and Mining (earthwork and rock excavation), and ON-SITE Technical Services (testing and startup).

Construction of New EOCWD Office Building to Begin Summer 2023

East Orange County Water District recently selected Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide construction management and inspection services for the District Office Building Replacement Project. Butier will serve as an extension of the District’s staff to assist in the delivery of the $7.2-million project. The building, located at 185 N. McPherson Road in Orange, California, will be demolished this summer, and the new Administrative Office Building is expected to be completed by Spring 2024.

Butier is pleased to be working with East Orange County Water District and Snyder Langston (Design-Builder). Additionally, the Butier team will be led by Project Director Mark Butier, Construction Manager Joseph Blum, Inspector Dustin Morton, Field Engineer Ryan Weir, and Constructability Review Ambi Thurai.

South Coast Water District Selects Butier for JRWSS Crown Valley Parkway Transmission Main Relocation

South Coast Water District selected Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide construction management and inspection services for the Joint Regional Water Supply System (JRWSS) Crown Valley Parkway Transmission Main Relocation Project. The $5-million project will begin in Fall 2023, with completion anticipated in Spring 2024.  The project will construct a replacement pipe in Crown Valley Parkway from south of Hillhurst Drive to south of Paseo del Niguel in the City of Laguna Niguel. The scope of work includes the following:

  • Constructing approximately 2,500 lineal feet of 36-inch CML&C steel water transmission main in Crown Valley Parkway
  • Constructing a pipe access manway, pipeline connections, air/vacuum relief valve, and other pipeline appurtenances
  • Constructing an impressed current cathodic protection system, including a 300-ft deep anode well, rectifier and supporting conduits, wiring and electrical service
  • Demolition and abandonment of existing water transmission main and vaults
  • Paving and miscellaneous surface restoration, including hardscape and landscaping

Butier looks forward to partnering with South Coast Water District, Dudek (Design Engineer), and T.E. Roberts (General Contractor).

GWRS Final Expansion Receives Top Honors at ASCE Awards Ceremony

Congratulations to Orange County Water DistrictOrange County Sanitation District, and the entire Groundwater Replenishment System Final Expansion (GWRSFE) team for receiving top honors at the 2023 ASCE Orange County awards ceremony. The GWRSFE took home the Project of the Year and Outstanding Water/Wastewater Treatment Project awards.

ASCE Orange County did an amazing job of organizing the event, which took place on May the 4th. All of the attendees got into the Star Wars spirit, including Butier’s Joseph Hawes, CCM and Chandler Cartolano (click below for additional pictures). Also representing Butier’s GWRSFE CM team were Mark Butier and Stephen White, P.E.

Butier Partners with OCWD for Groundwater Replenishment System Final Expansion


Contact Information:
Andrea Stilley
(714) 832-7222

Butier Engineering, Inc. Partners with the Orange County Water District
for Final Expansion of Groundwater Replenishment System

 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif. (April 14, 2023) – Butier Engineering, Inc. (Butier) was proud to partner with Orange County Water District (OCWD) and the Orange County Sanitation District (OC San), serving as the construction manager for the final expansion of the Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS). The facility is the world’s largest advanced water purification system of its kind and a global model for potable reuse.

“This is an amazing project that will greatly benefit the residents of Orange County,” said OCWD President Cathy Green. “The $284 million GWRS Final Expansion project has increased the existing treatment capacity from 100 to 130 million gallons per day (MGD), providing enough water for 1 million people in north and central Orange County.”

This GWRS advanced water treatment system is essential to the Orange County groundwater basin because it purifies wastewater to produce high-quality water suitable for groundwater recharge. It also aids in water conservation, works to make Orange County more drought resilient, protects our environment by reducing treated wastewater discharged into the ocean, and is a strong economic benefit by lessoning the reliance on expensive imported water.

“The synergy among the project delivery team of OCWD, OC San, Shimmick Construction (Contractor), Black & Veatch (Designer), and Butier/Carollo Engineers (Construction Manager) was one of the best in our 47-year history,” said Mark Butier, President/CFO of Butier Engineering. “This highly integrated team produced excellent results, and Orange County residents will be provided a permanent, dependable water production facility as a consequence.”

About Butier Engineering, Inc.

Butier Engineering, Inc. (Butier) is a professional consulting firm that services public agencies and special districts in the delivery of A & B class infrastructure throughout Southern California. Butier derives its revenues solely from construction management services — a commitment they made to clients nearly 50 years ago. Butier’s focus and expertise is almost exclusively in water and wastewater treatment, storage, and conveyance. They offer the advantages of working with a regionally focused company, and their staff experience affords clients the ability to quickly navigate regional regulatory jurisdictions and local government. For more information about Butier, please visit and follow Butier Engineering on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Project Fact Sheet (Click Below)

GWRSFE Fact Sheet


Butier Awarded Well 32 Rehabilitation Improvements Project

The City of Santa Ana, Public Works Agency recently selected Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide construction management and inspection services for the Well 32 Rehabilitation Improvements project. The purpose of the $13-million project is to lower the nitrate levels in the existing well by blending the well water with low nitrate groundwater. Butier will serve as an extension of the City’s staff to assist in the delivery of the following rehabilitation improvements, which will take place at three locations:

Morrison Park

  • Demolition of the existing underground well vault, valves, piping, and facilities
  • New above ground well building with a pump and electrical room
  • Yard piping, site improvements, irrigation, and landscaping improvements
  • Improvements to the basketball and tennis courts

John Garthe Reservoir

  • Chemical building/restroom facility, including pressure control and chemical injection vaults
  • Electrical upgrades to the pump station

City Street Rights-of-Way

  • 3,700 LF of well discharge piping with parallel fiber optics from Morrison Park to John Garthe Reservoir
  • Removal/replacement of an existing pipe within an existing bridge cell
  • Supports, thrust restraints, and attachments to the bridge

Butier is pleased to be working with the City of Santa Ana and Tetra Tech (Design Engineer). Pacific Hydrotech (General Contractor), and ON-SITE Technical Services.

Butier Awarded CM Contract for City of Whittier’s Murphy Reservoir Project

Butier’s construction management team is providing construction management, inspection, structural observation, and materials testing services for the City of Whittier’s Murphy Reservoir Replacement Project. The project will replace two aging 0.5 MG reservoirs with a larger 2.31 MG prestressed concrete tank, helping the City meet its operational, fire, and emergency storage requirements.

Additional project scope elements include construction of the following:

  • Exterior stairway, interior ladder, access hatches, and vent
  • Overflow pipe, drain line, and inlet/outlet line
  • Sample taps, level controls, and miscellaneous appurtenances
  • Site grading
  • Shotcrete and concrete masonry block retaining walls
  • Concrete curb and gutter and concrete swale for proper site drainage

Butier is proud to be working closely with the City’s Public Works Department, Cannon (Engineer), Gateway Pacific (General Contractor), and Ninyo & Moore (Materials Testing & Geotechnical) on this exciting project.

Butier Continues Partnership with Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Butier looks forward to continuing its partnership with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) and being a part of its commitment to delivering safe, reliable drinking water to Southern California homes and businesses. Metropolitan selected Butier to provide professional construction management and inspection services under its Western Region Projects and Pre-Stressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe Program and Pipeline Rehabilitation contract. Infrastructure under this agreement includes water treatment facilities, reservoirs, large-diameter pipelines, and service connections.

Our professional resident engineers, field inspectors, field engineers, schedulers, and estimators have worked as an extension of Metropolitan’s Engineering Services Group on previous capital construction projects including, but not limited to, the following:

Project Spotlight: Simon Ranch Reservoir and Booster Pump Station

The City of Tustin recently celebrated the dedication of the new Simon Ranch Reservoir and Booster Pump Station, a crown jewel project that overcame all obstacles. Watch Butier Engineering’s project spotlight (video link below) to learn how the City and its partners solved unique site constraints and delivered a reliable water supply while providing savings to ratepayers. Additional project information can be found by clicking on “See Project Details” below.

Project Partners

Butier’s construction management team included Project Director Mark Butier, Project Manager Joe Blum, Field Inspector Michael Jack, and Field Engineer Ryan Weir.