Commercial/Public Facilities

Commercial/Public Facilities

District Administration Building Replacement

Butier provided construction management and inspection services for the District Administration Building Replacement Project. The scope of work included the demolition of the administration building and the construction of a new administration building on the existing 29,694 square foot site. The scope of work included the following: Protect-in-place of the existing 1,223 square foot warehouse…

Advanced Water Quality Assurance Laboratory

Butier provided constructability/design review, construction management, and inspection services for the new advanced water quality assurance laboratory, which is located on OCWD’s Fountain Valley campus. The two-story, steel-framed, 39,000-square foot sustainable (green) laboratory houses the personnel and equipment needed to do more than 350,000 analyses of approximately 18,000 water samples taken each year. This ensures…

Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility Visitor Center

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and field engineering services for the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility Visitor Center Renovation Project. Over 100,000 students, professionals, and international delegations have toured the center since it opened in 1995. The renovation project has resulted in a multipurpose visitor center that will better enable West Basin to…

John Wayne Airport—Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Facility #33

Butier Engineering, Inc. acted as the Inspector of Record for construction of the new 16,555 square foot Airport Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) Facility #33, located adjacent to Taxi-way B. Owned by John Wayne Airport and staffed by the Orange County Fire Authority, the station responds to aviation emergencies as well as emergencies in the main…

U.S. Department of the Navy—Title II Inspection Contract

This was one of five projects included in Butier Engineering, Inc.’s Title II inspection contract with the Navy. The 75,000-SF, two-story laboratory structure has a moment resistant steel frame on a concrete pile foundation with concrete grade beams. Electrical systems included provisions to duplicate shipboard power systems. The building has hydraulic elevator equipment and is…