Chino I Desalter VOC Treatment Facilities

- Owner:
- Chino Basin Desalter Authority
- Location:
- Chino, California
- Value:
- $12 million
- Completion:
- July 2023
- Designer:
- Hazen and Sawyer
- Contractor:
- Pacific Hydrotech Corporation
- Photo Credit:
- Greg Epstein Photography
Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the Chino I Desalter VOC Treatment Facilities Project. In a joint effort with the County, CDA constructed two new treatment facilities at the Chino I Desalter to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from seven CDA wells and new County wells, respectively. The two systems have a combined capacity of 3,550 gpm with provisions for expanding an additional 800 gpm.
New treatment at the Chino I Desalter included construction of the following: new Granular Activated Carbon Systems (GAC); cartridge and bag filtration systems; sulfuric acid storage and feed systems; piping systems and tie-ins; demolition of various structures and site improvements; storage building; electrical, instrumentation and controls; off-site pipeline to convey raw water from the County’s wells for treatment at the Chino I Desalter; and system performance testing and startup activities.