ID1 Capacity, Reliability & Augmentation Sewer Replacement

- Owner:
- East Orange County Water District
- Location:
- Tustin and Unincorporated Orange County, CA
- Value:
- $16 million
- Completion:
- 2023
- Contractor:
- T.E. Roberts, Inc.
- Designer:
Butier Engineering, Inc. performed construction management, inspection, document control, and multiple stakeholder coordination for the Capacity, Reliability, and Augmentation Sewer Replacement Project. The system dates back to 1962, and the aging sewer lines were in need of repairs/replacements to ensure toilets, showers, and sink drains remain operational. Select sewer lines were upsized with new sewer pipes ranging in size from 8 inches to 21 inches in diameter, allowing for continued reliability and expected capacity needs. The piping was installed by open trench excavation and jack and bore construction methods. Work also included, but was not limited to, new manholes, traffic control, restriping, sheeting/shoring, groundwater control, backfill, and sidewalk repair. Construction took place in the following three segments:
- Browning Avenue Segment (Bent Twig Lane to Mitchell Avenue)—Installation of a redundant 300-foot sewer pipe crossing under Interstate 5, replacing more than 3,700 feet of aging sewer pipe, and upsizing sewer pipe from 10-inch and 12-inch pipes to 15-inch and 18-inch pipes.
- 6th Street Segment (South B Street to El Camino Real)—Installation of a new 10-inch sewer pipe.
- Crawford Canyon Segment (Stoller Lane to Brae Glen)—Replacement of 600 feet of aging sewer pipe and upsizing the sewer pipe from 8-inch to 12-inch pipes.