City of Manhattan Beach Awards Butier CM Services Contract for Peck Reservoir Replacement Project
The City of Manhattan Beach awarded Butier Engineering a contract to perform professional construction management and inspection services for the Peck Reservoir Replacement Project. The existing 7.5MG reservoir will be replaced with a new 8MG reservoir that will be viable for approximately 75 years. The scope of work will also include the construction of an operations building, pump station and electrical control building, water treatment facilities, ancillary facilities, and offsite work. The Butier Team is excited to collaborate once again with Stantec (Engineer of Record) and Pacific Hydrotech Corporation (General Contractor) on this $32 million capital improvement project. Additional Butier team members include ON-SITE Technical Services (Testing & Start-Up), Ninyo & Moore (Soils/Materials Testing & Environmental), Murakawa Communications (Public Relations & Outreach), and PaleoWest (Biological & Cultural Resources).