Agua Hedionda Support Bridge, Interceptor Sewer Replacement, and Sewer Lift Station

- Location:
- Vista and Carlsbad, California
- Value:
- $44,289,614
- Completion:
- 2017
- Owner:
- City of Vista
- Contractor:
- Pulice Construction, Inc.
- Photo Credit:
- Mol Goodman Photography
Butier Engineering, Inc. performed as the Owner’s Representative for the construction of the sewer lift station and interceptor sewer reaches. This was a joint sewer project with the City of Vista and the City of Carlsbad to replace existing facilities, increase sewer capacity and improve reliability within the lower portion of the sewer system. The project began at the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon in Carlsbad and extended a distance of 2.3 miles to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. Major project components included the following:
- Construction of a new 30-inch diameter force main and a new 54-inch diameter gravity sewer line to increase system capacity and reliability. The force main provides 4,000 linear feet of high density polyethylene pipe parallel to an existing line and connects into 7,000 linear feet of new 54-inch diameter gravity sewer constructed in Avenida Encinas from Cannon Road to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility.
- Microtunneling was used in order to minimize construction impacts on the community. Vertical shafts were at jack locations to launch the microtunneling boring machine (MTBM) and at receiving locations to recover the MTBM. Along the 5,200-ft microtunnel alignment, surface impacts were minimized by keeping the jacking shafts and staging areas limited to one lane wide by 200-ft long, and spaced at 2,000-ft. intervals.
- The wood trestle sewer support bridge across the lagoon was removed and replaced with a new steel support bridge. The new bridge provides vehicle access to sewer facilities. The 42-inch diameter sewer pipe along the bridge was replaced with a new 54-inch pipe.
- Removal and replacement of the existing Agua Hedionda lift station. The new structure houses replacement motors and pumps, as well as new system enhancements including an emergency generator and bypass motors and pumps, an electrical control building, and odor control facilities.