Water Projects

Standalone Intake Modifications

Poseidon Resources Channelside
Carlsbad, California
$182 million
January 2025
Kiewit - Shea (Joint Venture)
Photo Credit:
Colin J. Horan Media LLC

The Standalone Intake Modifications Project is the final phase of intake-discharge modifications for the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant. Butier’s construction management team performed resident engineering, QA/QC management, field inspection (civil, mechanical, and electrical/instrumentation), schedule review, field engineering, and cost control services. The upgrades will ensure the plant will continue to meet California’s evolving standards for protecting marine life.

The desal plant’s intakes were originally configured to draw seawater from the Encina Power Station’s once-through-cooling system. That system was phased out by the state, and the power station shut down in December 2018. Its closure led to temporary intake-discharge operations at the desalination plant until new fish-friendly dilution pumps came online in 2020. Butier’s team also provided CM and inspection services for the temporary operations.

The scope of work for the final phase included the following:

  • New dual-flow screen system and ancillary systems supported on a new concrete access bridge including piles, pile bents, and access ramps
  • Dual-flow spray wash system which includes pumps, piping, and nozzles
  • Screen debris removal/management system
  • Floating debris boom system
  • Large organism exclusion system
  • New electrical building to house motor controls, variable speed drives, and other controls
  • Instrumentation and controls required for the Permanent Modifications
  • Connecting piping between the existing intake tunnel and the existing intake pump station
  • Abandonment of the generation station intake and discharge tunnel portions no longer needed to support operations