John Wayne Airport Expansion – Terminal C

- Location:
- Costa Mesa, California
- Value:
- $102,309,469 (combined)
- Completion:
- November 2011
- Owner:
- County of Orange, Airport Operations, Arcadis (Prime)
- Contractor:
- McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.
Butier Engineering, Inc. joined Arcadis’ team to provide quality assurance/quality control services for the Terminal Building Expansion project at John Wayne Airport. Construction of Terminal C included the following:
- A new terminal building providing six (6) additional bridged B757-200 type aircraft gates adjacent to the existing South Terminal (Terminal B). The new terminal is a multi-level steel and concrete structure comprising a total area of approximately 280,000 square feet.
- Electrical, mechanical, plumbing systems; elevators and escalators; interior and exterior stone finishes, standing-seam metal roof panel assemblies and metal soffit panels; and certain wall and glazed assemblies.
- Direct connections to a secured airside via a third security checkpoint (in addition to the two security checkpoints in the existing terminal).
- New permanent facilities serving up to three (3) commuter/regional jets at the south end of the new Terminal C.
- An atrium architectural feature in the center of the new terminal, open above baggage claim.
- Existing terminal upgrades and refurbishments and additional concessions nodes and expanded areas along concourses.