

SOCWA Awards Butier CM Contract for J.B. Latham and Coastal Treatment Plant Improvements

South Orange County Wastewater Authority (SOCWA) selected Butier Engineering to provide construction management services for the J.B. Latham Treatment Plant (JBLTP) Package ‘B’ Improvements and the Coastal Treatment Plant Facility Improvements Projects. The scope of work for both conventional activated sludge, secondary treatment facilities includes equipment and structure repairs, equipment and structure replacements, new piping, safety-related modifications, and structural demolition. Butier also provided construction management services for the JBLTP Facility Improvements Packages ‘A’ and ‘C’ Project (click on “See Project Details” below to find out more).

Butier and GHD Attend Dedication of SAR Enhanced Recharge Phase 1A Project

Butier Engineering, Inc. and GHD celebrated the completion of the Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge Phase 1A Project at the dedication ceremony on May 23, 2019, in Highlands, CA. The project, which secures local water resources for the region, was spearheaded by San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District in cooperation with San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, Western Municipal Water District, and Riverside Public Utilities. Butier Engineering, Inc.—in partnership with GHD—provided design, engineering, and construction management services for Phase 1A. To learn more about Phase 1A, please visit the Project Details page on our website.


Butier Conducted Tours of Trampas Canyon Dam & Reservoir at SMWD’s Water Awareness Festival

Butier Engineering, Inc.’s Eric Weber and Casey Lack assisted Santa Margarita Water District with performing public tours of the Trampas Canyon Dam & Reservoir at the District’s annual Water Awareness Festival. The family-friendly event, which took place on Saturday, May 4, focuses on educating residents about water efficiency and local supply reliability. The tour of OC’s largest recycled water reservoir included project facts and trivia, photo ops of the construction site, and Q&A sessions with District and Butier team members. Butier is the construction manager for the $145 million (design and construction) Trampas Canyon Dam & Reservoir project, which is being constructed by Sukut Construction.

San Bernardino Valley MWD Awards Design, Engineering & CM Contract to Butier/Tetra Tech Team

Butier Engineering—in partnership with Tetra Tech—was selected by the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (SBVMWD) to provide design, engineering, and construction management services for the Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge (SARER) Phase 1B Channel and Recharge Basins Project. SBVMWD is working in cooperation with the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, Western Municipal Water District, and the Riverside Public Utilities. The proposed facilities are intended to allow 500 cfs of water released from the Seven Oaks Dam to be diverted through existing and new facilities for recharge in the Santa Ana River Recharge Basins. Construction for Phase 1B is expected to begin in summer 2019, pending completion of the Wash Plan Habitat Conservation Plan.

OCWD’s Mid-Basin Injection Project Receives ASCE Outstanding Water Treatment Project Award

Congratulations to Orange County Water District for receiving the Water Treatment Project of the Year Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (OC Branch) for the Mid-Basin Injection: Centennial Park Project (MBI). Butier is providing construction management and inspection services for the 2.5-year, $29.5 million project located in the city of Santa Ana. The MBI project, which is on schedule to be completed in fall 2019, will inject up to 10 MG of Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) water a day for 85,000 people. The scope of work includes the construction of four injection wells, two monitoring wells, 5,700 LF of supply pipeline, 4,200 LF of backflush pipeline, and improvements to Centennial Regional Park and the Heritage Museum of Orange County. Key MBI project team members include OCWD’s Engineer Benjamin Smith, P.E. (Project Manager), Butier’s Resident Engineer Vlad Burce (pictured 3rd from left), Tetra Tech (Design Engineer), Geotechnical Consultants, Inc., Pacific Hydrotech Corporation (Contractor), and Best Drilling and Pump, Inc. (Well Contractor).

Butier Awarded CM Services Contract for SCWD’s Lift Station 2 Force Main Rehabilitation Project

South Coast Water District selected Butier Engineering to provide construction management and inspection services for the Lift Station 2 Force Main Rehabilitation Project (LS-2 FM). The Project consists of the rehabilitation of the existing 6,400 foot, 20-inch diameter pipe, which begins at 31104 Coast Highway in Laguna Beach and ends at a point of connection inside the SOCWA Coastal Treatment Plant. The LS-2 FM is located within a 20-foot easement adjacent to Aliso Creek and runs through portions of The Ranch at Laguna Beach, a resort with a 9-hole golf course. The scope of work includes sliplining using a 16-inch diameter high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE), grouting the annular space, excavating 13 access pits, and the installation and operation of a full length bypass system.

Moulton Niguel Water District Awards Butier CM Services Contract for Reservoir Management Systems Replacement Project

Moulton Niguel Water District selected Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide comprehensive construction management and inspection services for the second phase of the 2017-18 Reservoir Management Systems (RMS) Replacement Program. The Program consists of replacing 20 existing on-site generation (OSG) systems incrementally in phases. This phase of the program includes replacing the existing OSG systems at five (5) RMS sites with 12.5% bulk hypochlorite and ammonia systems. The reservoirs are located in the cities of Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, and Aliso Viejo. Butier’s team includes ON-SITE Technical Services, Inc.

Butier Awarded CM Services Contract for City of Fountain Valley’s Reservoir & Pump Station Project

The City of Fountain Valley selected Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide construction management and inspection services for the Reservoir No. 2 and Pump Station Rehabilitation and Walnut Storm Drain Pump Station Upgrades Project. Construction will include both the pump stations and mechanical equipment, and improvements to the buildings, reservoir, sumps, hardscape, and landscape. Reservoir No. 2 is located in Cordata Park on Tanager Street in the City of Fountain Valley. Walnut Pump Station is located in the southwest portion of the City at the intersection of Cockatoo Avenue and Walnut Street. The pump station is located directly across the Talbert Flood Control Channel from Reservoir No. 2 with a bridge linking the tract to Cordata Park. Storm water is conveyed to the facility via a 60-inch and a 54-inch storm drain and is discharged into the Talbert Flood Control Channel directly adjacent to the station. Butier’s team includes Ninyo & Moore (Geotechnical & Materials Testing) and ON-SITE Technical Services, Inc. (Fabrication Inspection and Start-Up Support).

OCWD Awards GWRS Final Expansion Construction Management Contract to Butier

Orange County Water District selected Butier Engineering, Inc.—in partnership with Carollo Engineers—to provide construction management services for the Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) Final Expansion. The water reuse project will create an additional drought-proof drinking water supply for over one million people by expanding the existing 100 MGD Advanced Water Purification Facility to 130 MGD; constructing Plant No. 2 Secondary Effluent Conveyance Facilities; and rehabilitating an existing pipeline between Plant 1 and Plant 2 to bring secondary effluent to the GWRS. The total estimated cost of construction is approximately $188 million. Construction will begin in 2019 and be completed by 2023. Additional Butier team members include ON-SITE Technical Services, Inc. and Environmental Science Associates.

OCWD Awards Five Coves Contract to Butier

Orange County Water District selected Butier Engineering to provide construction management and inspection services for the Upper and Lower Five Coves Rehabilitation Project. The existing Five Coves facility is in need of major rehabilitation in order to continue to provide diversion of flows. The scope of work includes construction of a new flow measurement structure at the end of the Off River system, construction of a new surface transfer structure and drain tube between Upper Five Coves and Lower Five Coves, rehabilitation of the gates between the Santa Ana River and Upper Five Coves Basin, and the replacement and construction of a new gate and concrete inlet between Lower Five Coves and Lincoln Basin.