Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge (SARER) Phase 1A Sedimentation Basin

- Owner:
- San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
- Location:
- Highland, CA
- Value:
- $14.4 million
- Completion:
- November 2018
- Contractor:
- J.F. Shea Construction, Inc.
Butier Engineering, Inc., in partnership with GHD, provided design, engineering, and construction management services for the SARER Phase 1A Sedimentation Basin Project. The project is located in an undeveloped area near the upper reaches of the Santa Ana River, north of Redlands, California, and approximately ½ mile downstream from the Seven Oaks Dam, which is an earth-fill dam designed for flood control.
SARER Phase 1A was spearheaded by San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, in cooperation with the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, Western Municipal Water District, and the Riverside Public Utilities. The integrated regional water plan objectives include water supply reliability, water quality protection, ecosystem restoration and environmental improvement.
The scope of work included the construction of a new diversion structure and inlet channel to accommodate up to 500 cfs and 80,000 AFY of water released from the Seven Oaks Dam to be diverted through existing and new facilities for recharge in the Santa Ana Recharge Basins. The new sedimentation basin removes fine sand prior to delivery to Valley District or Metropolitan facilities. It is 200-feet wide, 600-feet long and 10 feet deep, with retaining walls, berms and spillways.
The new pipeline consists of 1,900 linear feet of 96-inch diameter CMLC welded steel pipe and 1,300 linear feet of 78-inch diameter CMLC welded steel pipe connecting the new sedimentation basin and the existing 78-inch diameter SBVMWD Foothill Pipeline.