

Butier Awarded Another Project with the City of Oceanside

The City of Oceanside recently selected Butier Engineering Inc. to provide construction management and inspection services for the La Salina Wastewater Treatment Plant Primary and Secondary Digesters Cleaning and Piping Improvements project. The main objective is to clean the digesters and replace defective piping and valves to keep the digesters operational until the City decommissions the treatment plant in approximately 10 years. After decommissioning, the City will divert all wastewater flows to the San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility.

The scope of work includes the following:

  • Dewatering and cleaning primary and secondary digester tanks
  • Replacement of heated sludge supply and return piping and valves, including installation of new pipe supports
  • Replacement of digester gas piping, valves, and gas protection equipment
  • Replacement of primary digester roof center ring cover and secondary digester seal rings and diaphragm
  • Replacement of the digester overflow piping

Construction is scheduled to begin in October 2022, with an estimated completion in the Spring of 2023.  The Construction cost is $1,480,000.

Butier is pleased to be working with the City of Oceanside, GSE Construction (Contractor), Dudek (Design Engineer), Beyaz & Patel (Structural Engineer), and Ninyo & Moore (Materials Testing & Geotechnical).

City of Manhattan Beach Peck Reservoir Reaches Important Milestone

Butier Engineering is excited to share that construction on the City of Manhattan Beach Peck Reservoir Replacement Project has reached an important milestone. The project team completed filling the eight million-gallon concrete tank with water, and it recently passed the seven-day water holding test period. Now, the team can begin backfilling soil around the tank perimeter. The anticipated construction completion date is Fall 2022. Once it is commissioned, the new reservoir will enhance the City’s drinking water storage and system reliability to help protect the water supply and distribution for Manhattan Beach residents. Butier is proud to be performing as the City’s construction manager and working alongside Pacific Hydrotech Corporation, Stantec, and Hazen and Sawyer.

Please click on the link below for additional project information, images, and videos.

The City of Chino Hills Awards CM Contract to Butier Engineering, Inc.

Butier Engineering, Inc. (Butier) is proud to be a member of the City of Chino Hills Public Works Department’s (City) team for the 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (1,2,3-TCP) Removal Treatment Plant Project. Butier will be providing construction management support services to assist the City in continuing to provide high-quality drinking water to 82,846 residents. Once completed, the new plant will treat water from the City’s groundwater wells supply to comply with the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water’s mandate of a maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 0.005 microgram per liter of 1,2,3-TCP. The scope of work will include construction and installation of the following:

  • Centralized granulated activated carbon (GAC) treatment plant
  • 10 GAC treatment vessels to remove 1,2,3-TCP
  • Electrical and control systems
  • Modifications of pumps and motors and electrical components in the Booster 9 Station
  • Perimeter wall, gates, fencing, landscaping, and irrigation
  • Site grading, piping, paving, and foundations

Butier is looking forward to working closely with the City and Hazen and Sawyer (Treatment System Designer). Additional Butier team members include Converse Consultants and ON-SITE Technical Services.

East Orange County Water District Selects Butier

The East Orange County Water District (EOCWD) recently selected Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide construction management and inspection services for the ID1 Capacity, Reliability, and Augmentation (CRA) Project #1 – Construction Package #1. Located in the City of Tustin, the project will replace a gravity sewer main with new sewer pipes ranging in size from 15”– 18” diameter. The piping will be installed using the traditional open-cut method, which requires opening the surface of the ground to the required depth for pipeline installation.

Butier is pleased to be working with EOCWD, the City of Tustin, T.E. Roberts, Inc. (General Contractor), and HDR, Inc. (Design Engineer).  Additionally, the Butier team will be led by Mark Butier, Project Director; Joseph Blum, Project Manager; Eddie Fonbon, Lead Inspector; and Ryan Weir, Field Engineer.

Butier has built its reputation on being a construction management firm that builds close knit relationships with its clients, subconsultants, and the community at large. When you choose Butier, you select a team that will be there for you each step of the way.

Butier is Awarded CM Contract for the San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility Maintenance Building

The City of Oceanside recently selected Butier Engineering Inc. to provide construction management and inspection services to oversee the site work and construction of the San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility Maintenance Building Project. The main objective is to provide upgraded facilities that will accommodate the increased amount of personnel, equipment and materials, and therefore provide a more productive work environment. The scope of work includes the following: a new 19,644 square foot steel framed maintenance building, new 5,120 square foot storage facility including the installation of underground utilities, as well as, an asphalt parking pad, and the remodel of an existing maintenance building, which includes a new steel framed mezzanine, restroom facilities, kitchen and stairway.

Construction is scheduled to begin in December 2021, with an estimated completion in the Winter of 2023.  The Construction cost is $10,590,600.

Butier is pleased to be working with the City of Oceanside, EC Constructors (Contractor), Sillman Architects (Designer), LGC Geotechnical, Inc. (Geotechnical and Soils), Ninyo & Moore (Materials Testing/Special Inspection/SWPPP), and ECORP Consulting Inc. (Environmental Monitoring/Permit Compliance). Additionally, the Butier team will be led by Mark Butier, Project Director, Eric Weber, Principal CM/RE, Casey Harris, Senior Scheduler/Claims, and Bill Baker, Lead Inspector.

Chandler Avenue and Croddy Way Wells Project is Making News

Senior civil engineer Karyn Igar, left, and Mesa Water Board President Marice DePasquale, stand at one of two new potable water wells being built in Santa Ana.

A recent Daily Pilot/Los Angeles Times article provided an in-depth look at Mesa Water District’s Chandler Avenue and Croddy Way Wells Project. The project, which includes adding two new potable water wells to the District’s seven existing wells, will significantly increase the local supply of fresh, reliable drinking water. For more project details, please click on the link below.

Butier Engineering, Inc.’s construction management team members include William Stewart, P.E., Casey Harris, Keith Stiles, Bryan Wilson, and Katie Squires. Additional project team members include Tetra Tech, Richard C. Slade & Associates, Gateway Pacific Contractors, Murakawa Communications, Ninyo & Moore, ON-SITE Technical Services, and Casamar Group, LLC.

CDA Awards Butier Chino I Desalter VOC Treatment Facilities Project

The Chino Basin Desalter Authority (CDA) recently selected Butier Engineering Inc. to provide construction management and inspection services for the Chino I Desalter VOC Treatment Facilities Project. This project will support the County of San Bernardino’s larger effort to mitigate groundwater contamination consisting of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the Chino Airport Plume.

The recommended remedial action for the County’s project consists of the construction of new groundwater extraction wells at 10 new sites and on-site and/or off-site treatment. In a joint effort with the County, CDA is constructing two new treatment facilities at the Chino I Desalter to remove VOCs from seven CDA wells and the new County wells, respectively. The two systems will have a combined capacity of 3,550 gpm with provisions for expanding an additional 800 gpm.

New treatment at the Chino I Desalter includes construction of: two new Granular Activated Carbon Systems; cartridge and bag filtration systems; sulfuric acid storage and feed systems; piping systems and tie-ins; demolition of various structures and site improvements; storage building; electrical and instrumentation and controls; off-site pipeline to convey raw water from the County’s wells for treatment at the Chino I Desalter; and system performance testing and startup activities.

Butier Engineering, Inc. is pleased to be working with CDA, the County, Hazen and Sawyer (Treatment System Designer), and Tetra Tech (Offsite Pipeline Designer).  Additional Butier team members include Ninyo & Moore, ON-SITE Technical Services, and Borchard Surveying & Mapping.

WBMWD Awards Butier New CM Services Contract

Butier Engineering, Inc. is proud to be performing construction management services for West Basin Municipal Water District’s Juanita Millender-McDonald Carson Regional Water Recycling Plant (JMMCRWRP) Phase II Expansion Project. Since 2000, the JMMCRWRP has delivered more than 28 billion gallons of recycled water to Marathon Petroleum’s Carson refinery for boiler feed and cooling tower use. The expansion, which includes the installation of a new 5.88 MGD custom-engineered microfiltration (CEMF) system, will increase water supply capacity and improve system operability and reliability at the five-acre JMMCRWRP. Additional project team members include Hazen and Sawyer (Engineering Consultant), WesTech Engineering, Inc. (CEMF System Vendor), and J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. (Contractor). Additional scope of work items includes the following:

  • Tie-in to existing on-site potable water line for backup supplies to the three main storage tanks with air-gap fittings
  • Installation of a 600 kW standby generator to provide the ability to continue pumping product water to the refinery during a power outage
  • Installation of a carbon dioxide storage and dosing system that feeds into the existing Biofor unit
  • Associated civil, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, controls, system integration, and instrumentation upgrades
  • System performance testing and startup activities

Trampas Canyon Reservoir and Dam Awarded ASCE Project of the Year Award

Congratulations to Santa Margarita Water District, GMU Geotechnical (geotechnical and materials testing), and the entire Trampas Canyon Reservoir and Dam team for receiving ASCE Orange County’s “Outstanding Geotechnical Project of the Year Award.” Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the 1.6-billon-gallon recycled water reservoir that will supply irrigation demands for customers in Talega Valley and Rancho Mission Viejo’s ongoing Ranch Plan development. Additional project team members included AECOM (lead designer) and Sukut Construction (general contractor). For additional project information, please click on “See Project Details” below.

SDCWA’s Mission Trails Flow Control Project Featured on Local NBC News Channel

Butier is proud to be performing construction management services for the San Diego County Water Authority’s Mission Trails Flow Regulatory Structure II and Flow Control Facility Project. Ninyo & Moore is a part of the Butier team, providing geotechnical engineering, materials testing, and soils testing services. To find out more about the 5-million-gallon water tank, please click on the link below to NBC 7 San Diego’s featured story. Additional project details can also be found on Butier’s web site by clicking on “See Project Details.”

The Massive 5-Million-Gallon Water Tank You Will Never See