

Butier Awarded City of Santa Ana South Main Street Corridor Improvements Project

Butier Engineering, Inc. is proud to be performing construction management, inspection, and community outreach services as an extension of the City of Santa Ana’s staff for the South Main Street Corridor Improvements Project. The project area includes over two miles of corridor, approximately from First Street to Dyer Road. The Butier Team is committed to supporting the City’s South Main Street Vision Plan, which includes the following principals: supporting community vision and participation; reflecting and enhancing the neighborhood culture and identity; improving connectivity, mobility, and access for pedestrians and transit users; supporting economic development and investment; enhancing environmental sustainability; and improving neighborhood safety and security.

The Project is a combination of the following individual projects:

  • 17-9001 South Main Street Corridor Improvements
  • 18-691 Main Street Rehabilitation from Edinger Avenue to First Street
  • 20-6958 Main Street Rehabilitation from Warner Avenue to Edinger Avenue
  • 19-6940 Main Street Rehabilitation from Dyer Road to Warner Avenue
  • 21-6451 South Main Sewer Improvements

The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Pavement Rehabilitation
  • Enhanced PCC Crosswalks and Intersections
  • Decorative Sidewalk Extensions/Bulb Outs
  • Lighting Improvements
  • Landscape/Irrigation
  • Sewer Main/Lateral Replacement
  • Railroad Coordination

SCWD Awards Butier Next Phase Lift Station No. 2 Replacement

South Coast Water District (SCWD) selected Butier Engineering to provide construction management, observation, and inspection services for the Lift Station No. 2 Replacement Project. Construction for the project is expected to break ground in September 2021 and be completed in January 2024.

The existing station is set into the Aliso Creek Canyon slope, 700 feet east of Pacific Coast Highway and adjacent to The Ranch at Laguna Beach, a luxury hotel and golf course. With a firm capacity of 3,200 GPM, Lift Station No. 2 is the largest in SCWD’s system. All sewage generated in the District’s South Coast system is conveyed to this facility and is pumped to the SOCWA Coastal Treatment Plant for treatment and reuse. Butier’s CM team has a thorough knowledge of the unique project challenges, having performed similar services for SCWD’s Lift Station No. 2 Force Main Rehabilitation Project, which was completed in 2019.

The scope of work includes constructing a new sewer lift station; installing a Channel Monster; demolishing the existing lift station; connecting the new lift station to the existing sewer; constructing a masonry building to house the generator and electrical equipment; installing a control interface with the District’s SCADA system; and constructing a drainage channel and connection to the existing storm drain pipe.

Time Lapse Video Shows Progress of OCWD’s GWRS Final Expansion

The recent time lapse video posted by OCWD on social media shows the impressive progress being made on the GWRS Final Expansion project. Butier Engineering is proud to be providing construction management and inspection services for this historic water recycling facility. Click here to watch the time lapse video.

SMWD Released First Drops of Water at Trampas Canyon Reservoir and Dam Dedication Ceremony

 opened the valve to the Trampas Canyon Reservoir & Dam to celebrate the dedication of Southern California’s largest recycled water reservoir. The ceremony, which the District held on October 9, 2020, was attended by state, county, and local officials—both in-person and virtually. The completion of the $109-million project will increase water supply resiliency for the region. Congratulations to the District and all project team members, including Rancho Mission ViejoAECOM (Engineer), Sukut Construction, LLC (Contractor), GMU Geotechnical, Inc. (Geotechnical Engineer), Butier Engineering (Construction Manager), and Black & Veatch (DSOD Liaison). Please click on the links below for additional project information.

Mesa Water District Awards On-Call Contract to Butier

Butier Engineering is proud to be a part of Mesa Water District’s on-call contract to provide professional construction management and inspection services for its Capital Improvement Program Renewal (CIPR). The CIPR consists of three key program areas, including reservoir, distribution, and District facilities improvements. The District distributes local groundwater to approximately 25,000 retail accounts in an 18 square mile area, which includes the City of Costa Mesa, sections of Newport Beach, and unincorporated areas of Orange County, including John Wayne Airport.

City of Manhattan Beach Awards Butier CM Services Contract for Peck Reservoir Replacement Project

The City of Manhattan Beach awarded Butier Engineering a contract to perform professional construction management and inspection services for the Peck Reservoir Replacement Project. The existing 7.5MG reservoir will be replaced with a new 8MG reservoir that will be viable for approximately 75 years. The scope of work will also include the construction of an operations building, pump station and electrical control building, water treatment facilities, ancillary facilities, and offsite work. The Butier Team is excited to collaborate once again with Stantec (Engineer of Record) and Pacific Hydrotech Corporation (General Contractor) on this $32 million capital improvement project. Additional Butier team members include ON-SITE Technical Services (Testing & Start-Up), Ninyo & Moore (Soils/Materials Testing & Environmental), Murakawa Communications (Public Relations & Outreach), and PaleoWest (Biological & Cultural Resources).

Vista Village Drive Trunk Sewer Improvement Project Awarded APWA “2020 Project of the Year”

Congratulations to the City of Vista for receiving the APWA San Diego Chapter’s “2020 Project of the Year” award (utilities category) for the Vista Village Drive Trunk Sewer. Completion of the sewer improvement project has improved the reliability for one of the City’s main sewer conveyance systems; increased the capacity of the main trunk sewer; and reduced the risk of sanitary sewer overflow and spills. Butier Engineering, Inc. is fortunate to have been a part of this award-winning team. To find out more about the Vista Village Drive Trunk Sewer Project and Butier’s role, please click on the “Project Details” link below.

Butier to Provide CM&I Services for MNWD’s Regional Lift Station Enhancements Project

Moulton Niguel Water District awarded Butier Engineering, Inc. a contract to perform construction management and inspection services for the Regional Lift Station Enhancements Project. Improvements to the existing lift station, which is located adjacent to Laguna Niguel Regional Park, are being constructed in order to improve the operational reliability of this critical facility. The scope of work includes the addition of a standby diesel engine-driven emergency bypass pump system, installation of an overflow basin, rehabilitation of the existing wet well, and replacement of Pump No. 5. ON-SITE Technical Services, Inc. will be providing in-plant fabrication inspection and start-up services as a part of Butier’s team.


MNWD Awards Butier On-Call CM and Inspection Contract

Moulton Niguel Water District (District) awarded a three-year contract to Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide On-Call Construction Management and Inspection Support Services for projects under the District’s Capital Improvement Program. The services include contract administration, electrical system replacement inspections, condition assessment inspections for reservoirs, reservoir rehabilitation inspections, specialty pipeline inspections, specialty structural inspections, and startup and commissioning. The District delivers high-quality drinking water, recycled water, and wastewater services to more than 170,000 customers in Laguna Niguel, Aliso Viejo, Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills, Dana Point, and San Juan Capistrano.

IEUA Awards Butier On-Call Engineering and Construction Project Management Contract

Butier Engineering is excited to be a part of the Inland Empire Utilities Agency’s Engineering and Construction Project Management Services On-Call Contract. The Butier team will have the opportunity to provide construction management and inspection services for various public works Capital Improvement projects throughout IEUA’s 242-square mile service area.