Water Projects

Water Projects

Otay River Estuary Restoration

Butier provided construction management, inspection QA/QC, cost estimating/review, and schedule review services for the Otay River Estuary Restoration project. The purpose of the project is to restore approximately 125 acres of open water, coastal wetland, and salt marsh habitats within the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge, benefiting native fish, migratory birds, and other coastal-dependent…

City of Tustin PFAS Treatment System and Influent Conveyance

Butier Engineering, Inc.—in collaboration with Orange County Water District (OCWD) and the City of Tustin—is providing construction management, field QA/QC, and geotechnical and materials testing services (Ninyo & Moore) for this critical water treatment project. Portions of Tustin’s groundwater supply have been impacted by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that are prevalent in the environment…

OCWD Groundwater Replenishment System Final Expansion

Project Fact Sheet: GWRSFE Fact Sheet Butier Engineering, Inc.— in collaboration with Carollo Engineers—provided construction management and inspection services for the Groundwater Replenishment System Final Expansion (GWRSFE). The GWRSFE provides an additional 31,000 AFY of advanced treated wastewater (recycled water) to the groundwater basin in north and central Orange County. The treatment capacity increased from…

Murphy Reservoir Replacement

Butier’s team provided construction management, inspection, structural observation, and materials testing (Ninyo & Moore) services for the City of Whittier’s Murphy Reservoir Replacement project. The project demolished and replaced two 1955 vintage 500,000-gallon reservoirs with a single 2.31 MG prestressed concrete tank, helping the City meet today’s operational and emergency storage needs and tomorrow’s challenges….

8 MG Peck Reservoir Replacement

The City of Manhattan Beach identified the Peck Reservoir replacement as a top priority after 60 years of effective service. The existing 7.5 MG reservoir was replaced with a new 8 MG reservoir that will be viable for 75 years. The project has enhanced the City’s drinking water storage and system reliability, helped to ensure…

Simon Ranch Reservoir, Pump Station, & Pipeline Replacement

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided program management, construction management, and inspection services for the Simon Ranch Reservoir, Booster Pump Station, and Zone 1 and Zone 3 Pipeline Replacement Project. The reservoir is located in North Tustin on the corner of Valhalla Drive and Outlook Lane surrounded by a residential neighborhood of large custom homes. The purpose…

Sodium Hypochlorite Storage Tank Replacement

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the replacement of the existing sodium hypochlorite (SHC) storage tanks. The four tanks, which are located at the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility (ECLWRF), are approximately 29,000 gallons each, 12-foot in diameter, 30-feet tall, and made of fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) materials. The existing…

Standalone Intake Modifications

The Standalone Intake Modifications Project is the final phase of intake-discharge modifications for the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant. Butier’s construction management team performed resident engineering, QA/QC management, field inspection (civil, mechanical, and electrical/instrumentation), schedule review, field engineering, and cost control services. The upgrades will ensure the plant will continue to meet California’s evolving…

Chino I Desalter VOC Treatment Facilities

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the Chino I Desalter VOC Treatment Facilities Project. In a joint effort with the County, CDA constructed two new treatment facilities at the Chino I Desalter to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from seven CDA wells and new County wells, respectively. The two systems have…

1,2,3-Trichloropropane (TCP) Removal Treatment Plant

Butier is providing professional construction management support and special inspection services for the 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (1,2,3-TCP) Removal Treatment Plant Project. This critical project is required for the City of Chino Hills to comply with the State Water Resources Control Board mandate of an MCL of 0.005 micrograms per liter of 1,2,3-TCP, which was identified in the…

Ridgeline Booster Pump Station

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management, inspection, specialty inspection, and materials testing (GMU Geotechnical) services for the Ridgeline Booster Pump Station Project. The scope of work included the following: installation of three (3) 2 CFS turbine pumps; upgrade of one 2 CFS pump with a VFD and replacement of associated discharge piping and valving; removal…

Trampas Recycled Water Pump Station

Butier Engineering provided contract compliance and administration, quality assurance oversight, document control, environmental inspection and compliance, and other specialty inspection and management services as required for the Trampas Recycled Water Pump Station (TRWPS). In addition to direct inspection services, Butier managed the coordination of all subconsultants with detailed schedule/budget tracking and management. The TRWPS was…

Robert Diemer Filtration Plant Expansion

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided full-service construction management services to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for the expansion of the Robert Diemer Filtration Plant. Work involved construction of a 25 MGD washwater reclamation facility, including influent and effluent pipelines, static mixer, flow distribution chamber/anthracite removal structure, flocculators, sedimentation basins, reclaimed washwater pumps, sludge thickeners, supernatant…

Otay Water Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion

The City of San Diego Water Department selected Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide construction management, field engineering, administration, and inspection services for the Otay Water Treatment Plant Upgrade project. This upgrade and expansion project is under the City’s Capital Improvement Program. The scope of work consisted of the construction and installation of piping (48″ overflow…

Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant

Butier Engineering, Inc. and GHD provided Owner’s Engineer services, including project management, permitting support, design review / development, cost estimating, value engineering, scheduling, field resident engineering, QA/QC field inspection, and start-up / commissioning and performance testing for the construction of the 50 MGD seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant. The project also included the construction of…

Ocean Water Desalination Pilot Plant Phase C Research Program—El Segundo Power Plant

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for WBMWD’s Ocean Water Desalination Pilot Plant Phase C Research Program. WBMWD has been conducting a Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration-Reverse Osmosis Pilot study at the El Segundo Power Facility for over four years. The facility required modifications/additions for future testing. The scope of work included installation of a second…

Chino II Desalter Concentration Reduction Facility (CRF)

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the Chino II Desalter Concentration Reduction Facility (CRF). The CRF—a groundwater treatment facility—is one of two plants managed by the Chino Basin Desalter Authority (CDA). Both ion exchange (IX) and reverse osmosis (RO) treatment trains are used to treat brackish groundwater from eight wells that…

Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility Phase V Design-Build Expansion

Butier Engineering, Inc. was selected to provide program management services for the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility (ECLWRF) Phase V Design-Build project. As a part of the project, West Basin expanded Title 22, Barrier Water and Low-Pressure Boiler Feedwater treatment processes. The Phase V project involved expanding the Title 22 pretreatment capacity by 10…

Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility Visitor Center

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and field engineering services for the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility Visitor Center Renovation Project. Over 100,000 students, professionals, and international delegations have toured the center since it opened in 1995. The renovation project has resulted in a multipurpose visitor center that will better enable West Basin to…

Expansion of the Leo J. Vander Lans Water Treatment Facility

Butier Engineering, Inc. was selected to provide construction management and inspection services for the Expansion of the Leo J. Vander Lans Water Treatment Facility, which is located two miles inland from the Pacific Ocean. Prior to the expansion, the facility produced 3,000 AF of highly purified recycled water per year. The expansion increased production to…

Burris Pump Station Project—Phases I and II

Orange County Water District selected Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide constructability review services (Phase I) and construction management and inspection services (Phase II) for the Burris Pump Station Project located in the City of Anaheim. The Burris Basin is critical to the District’s groundwater recharge operations. The existing pump station had reached the end of…

Chino Desalter Phase 3 Expansion Milliken 1010 Zone Pump Station

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the construction of the Milliken 1010 Zone Pump Station, which is a part of the Chino Desalter Phase 3 Expansion. The summary of work includes, but is not limited to, construction of the following potable water improvements: Ventilated CMU Pump Station 198 lineal feet of…

OCWD Santiago Basin Floating Pump Station

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the construction of a floating pump station that allows for the transfer of stored water from OCWD’s Santiago Basins to other OCWD facilities. On-Site Technical Services performed as a subconsultant to Butier and provided the following services: witness pump performance testing; in-process fabrication inspection of…

Prado Wetlands Reconstruction Project

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the reconstruction of the Prado Wetlands, a natural water quality treatment system operated by the Orange County Water District which was damaged by flood flows from the Santa Ana River in the 2004-05 storm season. The Prado Wetlands reconstruction contract included a diversion structure and…

Peters Canyon Channel

The City of Tustin, Public Works Department, selected Butier to provide project management, construction management and inspection services for the Peters Canyon Channel Project within the cities of Tustin and Irvine. The work includes demolition, widening, and relining approximately 5,000 feet of the existing rock riprap lined channel. The scope of work also includes demolition…

Colorado River Aqueduct Rehabilitation and Improvements

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided a team of 19 construction managers and specialty inspectors to perform CM and inspection services for the annual shutdown of the Colorado River Aqueduct. The rehabilitation and improvement project required the team to work 12-hour days, 7 days a week for 21 consecutive days (March 6, to March 27, 2007). The…

OCWD Advanced Water Quality Assurance Laboratory

Butier provided constructability/design review, construction management, and inspection services for the new advanced water quality assurance laboratory, which is located on OCWD’s Fountain Valley campus. The two-story, steel-framed, 39,000-square foot sustainable (green) laboratory houses the personnel and equipment needed to do more than 350,000 analyses of approximately 18,000 water samples taken each year. This ensures…

Trampas Canyon Dam and Reservoir

Butier Engineering, Inc. was selected to provide construction management and inspection services for the construction of the Trampas Canyon Dam and Reservoir. The dam and reservoir were reconstructed on 177-acres of property to create a 1.6 billion gallon recycled water reservoir. Construction consisted of new inlet/outlet structures, a spillway, micro-tunneling, instrumentation, and a new Dam…

Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided constructability review, construction management, and inspection services for the City of Tustin’s Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project. The City’s former 4 MG hopper bottom reservoir was taken out of service due to its age and deteriorating condition. After its decommissioning, the City proceeded with the design of two 3.0 MG prestressed circular…

Nohl Canyon Water Storage Tank Project

Butier Engineering, Inc. performed as a subconsultant to Tetra Tech, providing construction management, field engineering, and inspection services for this $20-million water storage tank project. The project team was also responsible for providing geotechnical, soils testing, noise/vibration monitoring, pre-inspection, community relations, and surveying services. The scope of work included the construction of a 10-million gallon…

Vista Verde Reservoir Replacement—Phase II

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the replacement of the Vista Verde Reservoir. The existing 750,000-gallon steel reservoir, which suffered from internal corrosion, was replaced with two 1 million-gallon Type I pre-stressed concrete reservoirs that are partially buried. The extra capacity for water storage allows additional development in the area, which…

Mission Trails Regulatory Structure II and Flow Control Facility

The San Diego County Water Authority selected Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide construction management services for the Mission Trails Flow Regulatory Structure II and Flow Control Facility Project. Ninyo & Moore is providing materials testing, soils testing, and geotechnical services as a sub-consultant to Butier. The project, which is located in the northwest area of…

Otay Water Treatment Plant Expansion and Clearwell Reservoirs

The City of San Diego, Public Utilities selected Butier Engineering, Inc. to provide construction management, field engineering, administration, and inspection services for the expansion and upgrade of the Otay Water Treatment Plant. The Otay Plant is a critical component of one of the nation’s largest systems for storing, treating, and delivering water to residents and…

Tesoro Water Facilities-Zone II and Zone B Reservoirs

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided third-party construction management services to Santa Margarita Water District for the Zone II and Zone B Reservoirs project, which was the third phase of the Tesoro Zone II and B Water Facilities Program. The Butier Team was also provided identical services for the first and second phases of the program, which…

930 Zone Recycled Water Reservoir

Butier Engineering, Inc. was contracted to provide construction management and inspection services for the construction of a 5 MG steel recycled water reservoir. The project scope of work includes the installation of yard piping and valving; site grading including excavation, fill, and disposal; electrical and instrumentation; 2,488 lineal feet of 30-inch cement mortar lined and…

West Basin Microfiltration Equalization Tank

Butier Engineering, Inc.’s scope of work for the construction of the Microfiltration Equalization Tank included construction management and inspection services. The project was awarded as Task Order No. 1 under the West Basin Municipal Water District’s As-Needed Construction Management Services Contract for Water Facility Capital Improvement Projects. The project consisted of the installation of a…

Mid-Basin Injection (MBI) Wells – Centennial Park

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided constructability review, project coordination, resident engineering, and construction inspection services for the Mid-basin Injection Wells Project located in and around the City of Santa Ana’s 87-acre Centennial Park. The wells directly inject 6-10 million gallons of water per day from the Orange County Water District’s Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) into the…

Edinger Avenue Well Phase II Equipping

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided project / construction management and inspection services for the Edinger Avenue Well – Phase II Equipping Project. The project was part of the City of Tustin’s Water Services Division, which is responsible for the production and safe delivery of domestic water to more than 14,100 service connections through approximately 172 miles…

Equipping of Chino Creek Well Field Wells I-16, I-17 and I-18

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the Equipping of Chino Creek Well Field Wells I-16, I-17 & I-18 project. The groundwater wells were equipped as part of the CDA Phase III Expansion Project. In addition to well equipping, the project included the installation of 625 LF of 8-inch diameter HDPE corrugated…

OC Groundwater Storage Program, 8 Water Production Wells

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management, contract administration, inspection, and quality control services for the eight extraction wells. The scope of work for each project location included the following: housing structures for pumps, motors, and piping; site improvements, including paving, drainage, fencing, and landscaping; installation of deep well turbine pump and motors; electrical and instrumentation;…

Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge (SARER) Phase 1A Sedimentation Basin

Butier Engineering, Inc., in partnership with GHD, provided design, engineering, and construction management services for the SARER Phase 1A Sedimentation Basin Project. The project is located in an undeveloped area near the upper reaches of the Santa Ana River, north of Redlands, California, and approximately ½ mile downstream from the Seven Oaks Dam, which is…

La Jolla Recharge Basin

Butier Engineering, Inc. provided construction management and inspection services for the construction of the 6-acre wetted-area recharge basin. The project involves the following components: Demolishing existing at-grade structures across the 8.6-acre property Excavating and hauling 83,000 cubic yards of soil to construct a 6-acre wetted-area recharge basin Recharge inlet facilities consisting of an inflatable rubber…